The ETHM-1 Plus communication module makes it possible to use Ethernet communication in the INTEGRA, INTEGRA Plus, PERFECTA 64 M and VERSA control panels. It provides the capability of reporting and remote programming of the control panels. The ETHM-1 Plus module offers the functionality of remote control of the system via the Internet, using a computer, tablet or smartphone.
- supported by the control panels: INTEGRA, INTEGRA Plus, PERFECTA 64 M and VERSA
- TCP/IP or UDP reporting
- ability to work in combination with the INT-GSM module (ETHM-1 Plus, version 2.05 or later) or INT-GSM LTE module (ETHM-1 Plus, version 2.07 or later):
- Dual Path Reporting, compliant with EN 50136
- backup communication path
- remote programming via DLOADX or PERFECTA Soft program
- INTEGRA system supervision via GUARDX program
- ability to operate the system from a mobile phone using the applications: INTEGRA CONTROL, PERFECTA CONTROL, VERSA CONTROL
- event notification capability using e-mail messages (only INTEGRA Plus*, VERSA)
- encrypted data transmission
- support for DHCP automatic address configuration
- open protocol for systems integration via the TCP/IP channel
For remote connection with the INTEGRA control panel DLOADX in v1.12.004 or newer is required.
* available with v1.13 INTEGRA Firmware

The actual appearance of the products may differ from the presented images. Product descriptions are provided in the web service for information purposes only.