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Διεύθυνση ελέγχου του έξυπνου συστήματος συναγερμού

Ο συνδυασμός της ευρείας οθόνης αφής με διαγώνιο 7” μαζί με τις δυνατότητες
της πλήρους προσαρμογής της διεπαφής του χρήστη στις ανάγκες του, καθιστά
το INT-TSI την πιο άνετη μέθοδο χειρισμού του συστήματος συναγερμού
με αυτοματικές λειτουργίες.

INTEGRA 256 Plus

Εξελιγμένος πίνακας ελέγχου συμβατός με το EN50131 Grade 3

Ο INTEGRA 256 Plus είναι σχεδιασμένος για πιο σύνθετες εγκαταστάσεις. Χάρη στη
δυνατότητα υποστήριξης έως και 256 ανιχνευτών, αποτελεί την ιδανική επιλογή για
μεγάλα συστήματα που απαιτούν ευελιξία, χαρακτηριστικό των συσκευών INTEGRΑ.

STAM-VIEW - new version


new version

A new version of the STAM-VIEW remote access system for STAM-2 monitoring station is available. The introduced changes make using the interface even easier for both operator and end users, while also improving security safeguards of the application.


The first change, which is already visible on the login page, is related to security

Instead of the previously used captcha protection, a more advanced security system has been introduced. It monitors failed login to the STAM-VIEW and blocks access, if necessary. Additionally, enhanced security safeguards inside the application have been applied.

After logging in, more changes can be seen - this time in appearance. However, the existing users need not worry about having to change their habits, because the original layout of the interface has been largely preserved. The refreshed STAM-VIEW is characterized by responsiveness which makes the program view adjust automatically to the size of device window. Owing to this feature, additionally augmented by compatibility with all web browsers, the STAM-VIEW can be equally conveniently operated using the computer as well as smartphone or tablet.

Visual changes in the STAM-VIEW are accompanied by extension of the interface functionality with some very useful improvements

One such new feature is the dashboard, or the home page, which displays the basic and yet most important statuses of the system. Here you will find information on the number of pending messages, the number of registered users and objects. In a convenient chart form, information on the number of instances of different types of events is also presented with breakdown into individual days. There is also a preview of alarm events and troubles, system status and status of other system components. This page displays events from the last 30 days, while historical events from the period covering the last year can be viewed in a separate Events tab. Importantly, the information which is displayed there can be further filtered, for example, by the type of events occurred.

An interesting solution, available only when using the interface from the computer level, is the clock placed on the top menu bar. It counts down 10 minutes from starting the preview and then logs the user off automatically. The expected time of operation is sufficient to check the status of the system, and thanks to this solution, the system is better protected against unauthorized access when, for example, you leave the computer unattended with the interface enabled. You can, however, stop the countdown at any time in a very simply manner - just click on the clock icon.

We invite you to test the new STAM-VIEW system!


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